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Mediterranean avantgarde

AVA Trio takes you back to Ancient Greece; a time where the colour ‘blue’ did not exist. Were the Greeks not able to see blue? Every day, our nameless hero, a simple fisherman, looks at ‘The Great Green’, as they used to call the Mediterranean Sea. Surely, its colour is not the same as the verdant hues of the trees and leaves, or is it? Employing all five senses, he begins his quest for the truth.

The psychedelic journey begins with tasting the Tears of Didima. Stripped of all the senses besides ‘touch’, he escapes a Maze and surrenders back to the vast waters of The Great Green. He then washes ashore on Timanfaya, a cursed island of putrid smell. Despair in this barren land is interrupted by a faint sound of bagpipes and drums in the distance – he gets rescued. On the boat filled with joy and music, he suddenly sees: The Great Green is not green, after all. As they sail to Tsamikos, The Great Green reveals his true colours, in a million different hues.

On their fourth album The Great Green, AVA Trio stretches the boundaries of jazz, improvised and maqam music, creating a personal approach they like to define as Mediterranean Avantgarde.

Giuseppe Doronzo – baritone sax, mizmar, hulus, sola
Esat Ekincioglu – double-bass
Pino Basile – tambura, cupafon