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Ex Auro (HUN-ESP)

World music – flamenco fusion

Ex Auro is a project based on the interaction between dance, piano and vocals. The duo of Maria Keck and Jorge Quesada perform ethnic songs in their own idiom: Indian, Turkish, Arabic, Sephardic, Gypsy, Peruvian, Argentinean, Slavic and other melodies blend with the dreamy, intense waves of jazz and the wild tension of flamenco rhythms and dance.

The project was created by Maria Keck in 2017 with pianist Tomaž Pačnik in Ljubljana. Their first album was released in 2019 with Kornél Mogyoró as a guest musician. Following Tomaž Pačnik’s departure in 2022, the duo continues their work with Barcelona-based pianist Jorge Quesada.

Ex Auro has played on many stages across Europe.

Maria Keck – voice, dance
Jorge Quesada – piano