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Okos Viola

Clean, pensive, atmospheric world

Raised in a family of folk musicians, Viola Okos has been singing and playing music since her childhood. She works and creates in folk and pop music genres as well. Alongside her previous orchestral projects (Odd ID/Ethnofil: “post-pop” combining ethno, progressive and electronic elements; Makám Quartet: folk renditions of contemporary Hungarian poems; Fuvalom Énekegyüttes: folk a capella), she started her solo project a few years ago. She released his first solo album this year, a folk-inspired EP entitled Amerre én járok. The single features folk songs and folk elements as motifs in an alternative-style medium, with koboz, guitars, violins and percussive instruments in addition to the singing voice. The music for the EP was recorded and edited by herself, using her own studio equipment to record the tracks during „creative retreats”. The debut EP was accompanied by visual material, shot together with Fruzsina Nagy Eszter, which also gave birth to the visual world of the EP’s songs.

Viola Okos – voice, violin, koboz